Carbon cycling, transport, and fate in Canada’s forests under a rapidly changing climate: Scale matters in systems with short biogeochemical attention spans

In order to better understand the role of Canada’s vast forested area in our country’s carbon budget, further work is needed to monitor ‘hot spots’ of carbon activity – the boundaries between land and lake, and how these landscape positions will react to a changing climate. Further, less is known about the timing around the […]

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Development of Applications of Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Year two

Funded through a series of NSERC partnership grants, Cubresa Inc. have been working with the applicants to develop technologies for pre-clinical imaging for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and PET friendly radiofrequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small animals. To date, our collaboration has played a direct role in Cubresa being the […]

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Constrained dynamic pricing for airport parking reservations

To make best use of technology on available big data (e.g., airport parking reservation data), we design and develop an innovative big data science solution for constrained dynamic pricing for airport parking reservations in the proposed research project undertaken by the intern. From scientific point of view, such a solution is novel in the sense […]

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Storytelling for Justice: Documentary, Semi-Documentary, and Fictional Media

We explore the creation of accurate representations of social issues in factual and fictional media; and the relative effectiveness of different media representation modes and types, to support and improve Partner Eagle Vision’s effectiveness as a media producer. Our objective in collaborating is to link the researcher and intern’s expertise in qualitative research with Eagle […]

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The Psychometric Development and Validation of the Canadian Reconciliation Barometer

Reconciling the deep-seated inequities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada is perhaps Canada’s most pressing goal. Yet at present, there is neither an agreed-upon definition of reconciliation nor a way to measure it, complicating progress toward it. To address this gap, in the current research we will develop the Canadian Reconciliation Barometer. Specifically, in […]

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Tooliaba Tool Rental Platform SAAS UX/UI Testing and Development

Tooliaba is a web based software as a service platform that provides coordinated rental of tools and equipment. The research project into the site will test the UX/UI viability as well as the overall user experience. The desired project is the creation of a well-designed, user friendly app/MVP (minimum viable product) that follows good UI/UX […]

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