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Read MoreChaque année, environ 10% des canadiens autonomes (65 ans et +) subissent des blessures mineures (fractures, entorses) conduisant à un déclin fonctionnel (pertes de mobilité et d’autonomie). 65% d’entre eux auront recours aux urgences après leurs blessures et 18% auront un déclin fonctionnel 3 à 6 mois après leurs consultations aux urgences et seront dans […]
Read MoreLes chutes chez les aînés sont un problème de santé publique sérieux. Actuellement, les services mis en place pour prévenir l’augmentation du nombre de chutes au sein de la population québécoise s’inscrivent majoritairement en prévention secondaire et tertiaire, pour une clientèle âgée de 65 ans et plus à risque de chute, ou ayant déjà chuté. […]
Read MoreLe nombre de personnes en emploi atteint d’une maladie chronique (problèmes musculosquelettiques, santé mentale, diabète, etc.) ne cesse d’augmenter au Canada. Les milieux de travail sont confrontés à cette réalité dont les effets certes perturbent les travailleurs, mais c’est aussi toute l’organisation du travail et la production qui en sont affectées. Ce projet a pour […]
Read MoreCanadian Laser sailors have achieved tremendous international success in the last quadrennial and are poised to achieve even better results at the 2012 Olympics. To better support these athletes it is imperative that we improve our understanding of the changes that occur within the body during training and competition. Prolonged exercise is known to promote […]
Read MoreThis project represents the initial step in a larger project, the development of a “Healthy Body Scorecard” which will allow for more comprehensive and holistic approach to measurement and classification of health in children. This particular project will involve an in depth review of current literature in order to identify the various forms of health […]
Read MoreThe proposed project seeks to build upon a recent pilot project that developed and evaluated a novel auditory reminder system that clients of Parkinson Alberta Society can employ to exercise large step walking outside of clinical settings. The pilot study highlighted a number of aspects requiring further investigation, both from clinical and research perspectives. Consequently, […]
Read MoreThis project seeks to develop new methods for imaging oxidative and vascular function in the brain. The methods under development are based on widely available MRI hardware, which will make them feasible for use in future clinical drug trials, an application that is of interest to the partner organization CQDM. Before the approach is ready […]
Read MoreOne aspect of hockey science that remains elusive is the role of nutrition in performance. We propose to study the dietary intake of hockey players and also examine their nutritional knowledge with a questionnaire. We will also examine the nutritional knowledge of athletic trainers and examine the role that they play from a nutritional point […]
Read MoreAlthough bariatric surgery is generally effective in treating morbid obesity, reducing risks of chronic disease, and improving quality of life, there remains considerable variability in patient outcomes; specifically why some patients maintain long-term weight loss while others are prone to lifestyle recidivism and weight regain. However, determining what drives that variability continues to elude researchers. […]
Read MoreThis research proposal involves a series of investigations that use advanced techniques to evaluate human movement and muscle activity in elite sports in an attempt to create feedback tools useful to athletes and coaches to improve performance. It has been difficult to collect human movement data on elite cyclists and rowers in training and competition. […]
Read MoreHeart-rate variability (HRV) may be used to index important aspects of brain control of the heart during emotional regulation. Yoga may enhance athletic performance, in part, by facilitating emotional regulation. Lululemon Athletica is interested in developing biofeedback devices designed to further enhance yoga related emotional regulation and for use to educate both their in-store work-force […]
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