Soil Stabilization with DFI

Over the years, numerous techniques and additives have been employed to increase soil strength and stability – from filling a bog with stones or other fill to compacting the soil with heavy machinery or mixing soil with cement or lime and allowing the resulting mix to harden. Duraflex Solutions Ltd has a new, environmentally-friendly product […]

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An improved pipeline for processing and analysis of facial surface images in medicine

This Mitacs proposal tackles several outstanding issues that must be addressed to complete development of a widely applicable pipeline for quantitative analysis of 3D facial shape in medicine. Here, we focus on specific applications of imaging pipelines in genetic syndrome diagnosis and facial surgery visualization and planning. The fellows will develop (a) cutting edge, deep […]

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Computational Pipeline Monitoring leak detection on multiphase fluid pipelines

Multiphase flow represents a significant portion of the products transported in Canadian pipelines. Each of the many phases in a multiphase flow has its own unique characteristics, all of which will contribute to an added layer of complexity in the detection and subsequent localization of a leak. Current technology that compares pressure variations to identify […]

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Modelling the Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) in SAGD infill wells– Part 1

In the last decade optimization is expanded in many applications from food production to sophisticated applications such as engine fuel efficiency. In the proposed package, it is tried to apply optimization techniques along with physics based analytical and semi-analytical methodologies to create a compelling framework which can help thermal-process based oil industry to reduce their […]

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Effects of human and natural habitat factors on wolverine density and connectivity

In southern Canada, wolverines share their natural habitat with humans. Forestry, for example, alters local ecosystems and leaves behind road networks that give access to people, also including recreationalists. Finally, many valley bottoms contain human infrastructure. This research project examines if wolverine numbers are impacted more by human or natural factors, determines if population connectivity […]

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Sustainable Development of Late-Life post-SAGD Reservoirs for Energy Recovery

What is left after late-life SAGD production is a large amount of valuable energy in the form of heat contained in the reservoirs. Instead of leaving behind the stored energy in a hot reservoir after many years of SAGD operation, considering energy recovery from post-SAGD reservoirs leads to lower carbon emissions by saving energy already […]

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Evaluating Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Seepage to Waterbodies by Implementing Traditional Knowledge and Western Science

An Indigenous community living near Alberta’s oil-sand mines is concerned that mining operations may be harming the rivers and lakes where they fish, hunt and trap. The research looks at finding the locations along the edges of rivers and lakes where there is evidence that mining operations may be affecting these waterbodies. The unique part […]

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Discovering new microbes and metabolisms in deep sea sediments using metagenomic sequencing

Microorganisms living in marine seafloor sediments are of scientific interest for many reasons including their role in cycling nutrients, their metabolic diversity, and the relatively few investigations of their existence due to their habitation of such an extreme and isolated environment. In addition, subsurface microbes can provide insight into their surrounding environment, including signalling the […]

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