Effects of a novel probiotic supplement on bone health in postmenopausal women

Menopause is the natural cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle. During this transition, low levels of estrogen and associated pro-inflammatory state stimulates a rapid decline in bone tissue which may ultimately increase the risk of fragility fractures. Prevention strategies are warranted to maintain bone mineral density and a strong skeleton after menopause and use of […]

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A Story-Based Positive Youth Development Program For Young Hockey Players

Despite the numerous benefits of participating in child and youth sport, they not guaranteed. Purposeful efforts must be made to ensure that sport offerings are age appropriate, promote engagement and enjoyment, and involve quality social relationships. This project represents a partnership with the objective of finalizing and delivering a story-based positive youth development (PYD) program—The […]

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Health equity, road safety and the built environment (BE): Examining barriers and facilitators to BE change decision-making, the impact of Vision Zero, and COVID-19

The goal of this proposed project is to increase the safety of vulnerable road users (pedestrians & cyclists) by examining factors that help or hinder the process of making changes to the built environment (BE) for this purpose. By examining data collected from municipal, transportation, police services, public health, NGOs, and schoolboard sectors in the […]

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Injury, Concussion and Performance in the Canadian Premier League

Injuries and concussions are common in soccer and can result in time loss from sport. To prevent injuries and concussions we must first understand the burden and risk factors for injury. Therefore the purpose of this four year study is to: 1) understand the burden of injury and concussion; 2) risk factors for injury and […]

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Determining the physiological mechanisms behind the ObeEnd device on (1) hormones associated with weight loss and (2) recovery from exercise

In Canada, approximately 1 in 4 adults are living with obesity. Obesity is cause by a complex interplay of genetic, behavioural, and environmental factors that can increase the risk of developing non-communicable diseases such as Type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, asthma, several cancers, and disability in adulthood. Restricting caloric consumption and increasing physical […]

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Forestry Industry Sustainable Practices and Collaboration in the Howe Region

While the partner organization for this project is the Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative Society (HSBRIS), the intent of this project is to concurrently benefit Forestry companies working in the Howe Sound and Canadians as a whole as we strive in our commitment to the UNSDGs. Bioshpere regions are mandated to promote SDGs, educate, and […]

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The effect of video learning on socialization and physical literacy in individuals with autism spectrum disorder

There are thousands of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Canada. Many are isolated socially, and their health is compromised because they are not physically active. New innovative approaches are being investigated that can lead to more effective strategies to enhance the quality of life for people with ASD and their families. Specific technologies […]

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Exploring the Utility of TVISFD with MLSE LaunchPad in Moss Park

MLSE LaunchPad is a sport for development (SFD) organization in Moss Park, Toronto that uses sport and physical activity to build healthy communities. A trauma- and violence- informed approach is a treatment practice used to provide safe and inclusive spaces for traumatized youth, however, it is rarely incorporated in SFD programs. In collaboration with MLSE […]

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Examining the ParticipACTION mobile app to promote physical activity among people who identify as women

Many Canadians currently do not meet government guidelines for weekly physical activity, particularly among people who identify as women. Media health (mHealth) such as fitness apps and tracking devices can help people to be more physically active. One such resource that has been developed for individuals living in Canada is the ParticipACTION mobile app. However, […]

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Investigating the role of bacteria in abdominal pain and chronic constipation.

The bacteria living in our gastrointestinal system, the gut microbiome, play a key role in human health and disease. Multiple studies demonstrated altered gut microbiome in patients with constipation or abdominal pain but knowledge of a clear cause-effect relationship or underlying mechanism are lacking. We found previously that microbiota from patients with irritable bowel syndrome […]

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Evaluating Forest Machine Operator Musculoskeletal Health

The intern will conduct a detailed cross-sectional study of ergonomic issues impacting operators of typical tree-harvesting machines used in Atlantic Canada. Operators from forest products companies will be recruited for this study. Data will be collected from structured interviews, field testing and simulated forest machine tasks. Recommendations will be developed to provide both owners and […]

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