Efficacy of Self Myofascial Release Techniques

Roller-massager is a convenient tool that uses upper body strength (rather than body weight) to move the roller across a muscle to imitate massage effects. Massage has been used to remove the knots and tensions sometimes found in muscle that can lead to pain and stiffness. It is not known if a roller massager can […]

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The Effect of a Gait Modification Program on Impact Loading and Injury Rates among Runners

The proposed research project aims to investigate the effect overstriding of running gait modification during running has on the incidence of running-related injuries. A comparison of key variables will be performed on an instrumented treadmill and overground. Correlation between overstriding and other biomechanical and muscle activationkinematic and spatiotemporal variables with kinetic and injury incidence outcomes […]

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Evaluating the effectiveness of perturbation-based training programs on the development of postural responses to continuous multidirectional perturbations

Slips, trips, and falls (STFs) are a major concern in occupational environments, accounting for a significant portion of all reported work-related injuries in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore petroleum industry. Perturbation-based training has been shown as an effective measure in developing appropriate postural responses for young and older adults. This proposed research aims to address the […]

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Cancer detection and Muscle

Cancer is a highly prevalent disease. Rapid and early detection is very important for the health of individuals. In this proposal we will employ a specialized technique developed by Panacea Global to detect the onset of cancer in both animal and cancerous muscle cells, and uniquely investigate the role of exercise in cancer progression.

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Professional Sport Club Value: Competition Time

Four leagues, the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB, dominate professional sport in North America. One of the disparities between all four leagues is the number of regular season games played, or for the purpose of this study competition time. There are also large differences between league revenues and thus the study will examine if there […]

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Evaluation of National Physical Activity Initiatives

In 2007, ParticipACTION was relaunched in Canada with the goal of inspiring and supporting active living and sport participation for Canadians. The focus of ParticipACTION is on social marketing initiatives The objective of the proposed internship is to take advantage of data collected through internal evaluations commissioned by ParticipACTION of two national campaigns – Teen […]

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The Development of Physical Ability Standardsas a Bona Fide Occupational Requirement(BFOR) for the Ottawa Paramedic Service

Paramedics provide essential emergency care services for Canadians. However, in providing this service, paramedics are exposed to many highly demanding task and situations. Further, these high demands are often referred to when paramedics suffer pain, discomfort and even injury. While efforts are underway to lessen these demands where possible, due to the nature of paramedic […]

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Randomized Controlled Trial of a Behavior Change Intervention to Increase Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Quality of Life in Older Prostate and Breast Cancer Survivors: The OutPACE Trial

Age is a key factor in cancer burden, with 28% of new cancer cases and 22% of cancer deaths occurring in individuals between the ages of 60-69. Despite this, little research has examined cancer survivorship in older adults. This is unfortunate, as older cancer survivors experience poorer quality of life, functional status, and general health […]

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The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on fitness, muscle mass, inflammation and immune function during intense training in rugby players

Bovine colostrum is the milk produced by cows immediately after calving. It contains high levels of proteins that improve immune protection and may act to prevent colds. During intense training, athletes often have compromised immune function. This may be especially true in club-level rugby players who abruptly start high intensity training in the spring in […]

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Development of helmet liner material to protect against concussion

Sports related concussion is becoming a major short- and long-term public health concern. The proposed project is designed to test the capabilities of different helmet liner materials in mitigating impact forces resulting from blows to the head, and determine the utility of such materials in reducing the incidence and effects of such concussive blows in […]

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Somatostatin signalling and diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes is growing rapidly and currently, over 60 million people worldwide use insulin treatment to manage their diabetes. However, insulin treatment can result in hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. To date only retroactive treatments are available to treat hypoglycemia, which affects an individual’s quality of life and increases the likelihood of […]

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