An Integrated Lead Conversion Model for Inside Sales

Although inside sales is the fastest growing title in the sales industry with companies hiring inside salespeople at a much higher rate than outside salespeople, little is known about the types of activities that drive their success, particularly the conversion of leads to customers (i.e., customer acquisition). Accordingly, the current project aims to develop a […]

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Defining and measuring responsible gambling behaviour: National validation of the Positive Play Scale

The recently developed Positive Play Scale (PPS; Wood, Wohl, Tabri, & Philander, 2017) is the first ever questionnaire that can evaluate responsible gambling (RG) beliefs (e.g., knowing the odds of games) and behaviours (e.g., monitoring time and money spent gambling) amongst players. Importantly, however, the PPS was initially developed using exploratory statistical methods and with […]

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An Analysis of Participatory Politics in Canada: Emerging strategies in media-based organizing

As young people increasingly move away from institutionally-driven “dutiful citizenship” (Bennett, 2008), political participation is no longer only defined by voting in elections, volunteering with civic associations and town hall meetings but increasingly manifests through participatory politics – peer-based acts like citizen journalism, podcasting, video production, art projects, tech-based activities, digital activism and lifestyle politics […]

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Publishing Dis/ability and Public Access

This project will investigate the creation of an accessible digital platform that will serve as the basis for all future publications of PUBLIC as well as a model for similar organizations looking to make the transition from print to digital. Importnatly, this project centers dis/ability communities, methods, and methodologies. Not only will this research situate […]

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Open-domain Contextual Conversation Generation

The objective of the project is to design a system that is able to generate context-wise reasonable and meaningful responses to open-domain conversation queries. In open-domain conversation generation, the retrieval-based methods and neural network generative models are two main approaches; there are also some recent research about improving the context consistency of conversation generation. In […]

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Supporting Light Steering Technology within the Future Cinema Ecosystem

With rapidly improving display technologies used in the home, cinema needs to remain competitive in terms of achieving the highest image quality on screen. While increasing the quantity of pixels is currently rolled out, so far nothing has been proposed to improve the quality of those pixels. Emerging prototype cinema displays are currently being show-cased […]

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Transitioning from Print to Interactive Digital Publishing

PUBLIC is an innovative print periodical with a 25 year history exploring the intersection between art, design, technology and contemporary culture. This Mitacs fellowship will develop the journal’s open access interactive web platform, PUBLIC:PORTAL, using information visualization and design to showcase the journal’s cutting-edge collaborative and cross-disciplinary work. This project designs and tests graphical user […]

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Accurate identification of Points of Interest visits for refined trade area analysis and audience segmentation

Pelmorex (owner of the brands The Weather Network and MeteoMedia) operates weather information services accessed by all Canadians on desktop computers, mobile apps and television. The mobile app is one of the most downloaded and used apps in the country, within both the Apple/Google ecosystems of smart phones/tablets. Continuous and accurate location data is collected […]

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Storytelling the History of Cantonese Migration through Virtual Heritage

Since the 19th century, Chinese men and women have migrated to small towns and cities throughout places such as Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and North America in search of better opportunities, bringing with them many traditional cultural practices, values and customs that evolved over time and space. How did early migrants retain cultural heritage […]

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