COVID-19 Teaching and Learning Transition Project

As people and institutions around the world are incurring the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, education has felt a large blow. This blow is not only felt by students in post-secondary education who are needing to be educated, but also by instructors, administrators and staff who are all being transitioned into the online format. For […]

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A Toolkit for Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014 Synthesis Report states that “substantial [greenhouse gas] emissions reductions over the next few decades can reduce climate risks in the 21st century and beyond, increase prospects for effective adaptation, reduce the costs and challenges of mitigation in the longer term, and contribute to climate-resilient pathways for sustainable […]

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Putting the science of literacy into the hands of Canadians

Ensuring high levels of literacy for all children is now more important than ever. However, the Canadian landscape of literacy is quickly changing. For instance, Canadian families come from increasingly multilingual and multicultural backgrounds and the use of technology and digital media in literacy is growing rapidly. In this Mitacs project, we have partnered with […]

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An exploratory study of Asian International Students‘ experiences in Ontario Schools

A rapid increase in the number of Asian international students attending K-12 schools has led to the investigation of the complex, multi-layered aspects of the life experience and needs of Asian international students in Ontario schools. Working closely with View-Wide International Education Group and using multiple case studies, this study will explore the factor of […]

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Measuring Charity Impact Value Using Social Return on Investment: The Value of Implementing Experiential Sustainable Development Goal Learning into Children’s Activities

Scouts Canada is adapting programing to align more closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research project will measure the amount of change in SDG awareness and behaviours of the participants and volunteers of the program. These outcomes will be monetized into a Social Return on Investment that compares the value of […]

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Expanding Web-Based Educational Opportunities for Canadian Students in STEM

The closure of schools across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed significant gaps in educational provision. In addition, K-12 teachers have had difficulty finding learning resources related to the programs they are responsible for teaching. When students fall behind in school, they develop a learning gap with their peers. Learning gaps are relatively common […]

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Identifying Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs When Starting and Growing Businesses in Cambodia

This research project will focus on identifying challenges that women entrepreneurs in Cambodia face when starting and/or growing businesses. The purpose of the research is to help organizations identify areas where they can improve their services offered to empower women to start and grow their businesses. This research will be done by collecting participant feedback […]

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The experiences of Indigenous school psychology trainees working with Indigenous communities

To date, there is little understanding of how to adapt school psychology practice to fit the needs of Indigenous populations. This project seeks to understand the current challenges that exist for school psychology practice with Indigenous peoples and what changes are needed to advance the practice. By completing autobiographical studies, Indigenous master’s students-in-training who will […]

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Program evaluation for JUMP Math: An empirical assessment of a resource for math education – Year two

Canadian math scores are in decline. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of numerical proficiency for outcomes such as health, employability and financial stability. Therefore, the effectiveness of a child’s math education is key to future success. It is of utmost importance, then, to identify effective math education programs. The proposed project will evaluate JUMP […]

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Change detection of wetland vegetation under contrasting water-level scenarios in coastal marshes of eastern Georgian Bay

Great Lakes coastal marshes are economically and ecologically important ecosystems that purify water, reduce flooding risks, and provide habitat for the most diverse community of plants, reptiles, and fish along the shoreline. Most of the coastal marshes in Lakes Ontario and Erie have been destroyed or degraded by land-use changes, but those in eastern Georgian […]

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