Translation for educational change: Translator identity and the Global Storybooks project

Our research seeks to better understand challenges that translators encounter in translating stories for the diverse sites on the Global Storybooks portal (, and how they resolve these challenges. We will draw on our existing database of translation data to investigate how translators draw on a range of linguistic resources to achieve a satisfactory representation […]

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Development of compact and portable vibrometer for microfluidics cantilevers for blood diagnostics

In this project, we are looking to find a way to design a low-cost vibration measurement equipment that is portable, sensitive and affordable by medical staff. Therefore, to develop it, three different modules would be designed: sensitive optics, miniaturized optics; low-noise and high-speed electronics, using extremely sensitive electronics components; compact and lightweight housing, by utilizing […]

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Test-taker perceptions of an occupation-specific language proficiency test: Evaluating workforce access for internationally educated nurses in Canada

The objective of this research project is to study the perceptions of internationally educated nurses who are taking a language proficiency test, the Canadian English Language Benchmarks Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) in order to practice nursing in Canada. Since effective communication is critical to quality healthcare, the CELBAN has an important role in evaluating the […]

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What are the factors influencing the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 among Canadians?

Beyond the devastating physical health crises, COVID-19 and its related social distancing measures has wreaked havoc on the economic-, mental-, and social-health of Canadians. The Association for Canadian Studies has been collecting behavioural, economic, and social data from Canadians weekly since March 9 and continues to do so. Our goal is to identify the socioeconomic […]

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The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response for People who are Marginalized

The current public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we socialize with eachother, how we access health care, and our economic conditions over a short period of time. For people who are marginalized, these changes may cause decreases in income, loss of social support and community connections, unstable home environments, […]

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Examining Let’s Talk Science’s Canada 2067 Learning Roadmap in evolving approaches to STEM education in a digital world

The current project aims to examine the knowledgebase of both teaching candidate (pre-service) and in-service teachers in 21st century competencies of digital literacy and computational thinking. Additionally, this project seeks to understand how these competencies may be incorporated into faculty of education training programs for teaching candidates. The intern will design, administer, and analyze surveys […]

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Filling the learning gaps caused by the pandemic: Supporting teachers and their diverse students with digital technology

The closure of schools across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed significant gaps in educational provision. In addition, K-12 teachers have had difficulty finding learning resources related to the programs they are responsible for teaching. When students fall behind in school, they develop a learning gap with their peers. Learning gaps are relatively common […]

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Challenge and Virtual Environment Research to support Social and Economic Recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus crisis has disrupted the social and economic fabric of communities around the world. This has profound implications for the sustainability and innovation challenges those communities are facing, and for the higher education institutions and professional educational businesses who have missions to prepare and support those communities to tackle those challenges. This research will […]

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Using a mobile application to support at-risk student re-entry into post-secondary education in the era of COVID-19

The aim of this 2-year project is to do research to inform the development of, and fully test and develop a mobile application designed to improve the experience of (particularly at-risk) post-secondary (PSE) students in addressing COVID-19-related issues. Our key concern is that COVID-19 has not only disrupted important and significant developmental experiences that improve […]

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Do socio-demographic and parenting factors moderate the impact of the HIPPY program on children’s school readiness?

The purpose of this project is to assess the impact of a home-based education program for preschool-aged children called the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY). This program aims to increase school readiness of children deemed educationally “at-risk” by reason of family poverty, parent education levels, family isolation, settlement issues, and/or English language skills. […]

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