Development of a single photon detector with a femtosecond time gate.

Quantum interference is the reason why we see an interference pattern in Young’s double-slit experiment even when sending a stream of single particles (photons, electrons, neutrons, etc.). It is also closely linked to quantum decoherence, one of the biggest issues currently holding back quantum computers. IPL is investigating Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) processes related to quantum […]

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An Analysis of Participatory Politics in Canada: Emerging strategies in media-based organizing

As young people increasingly move away from institutionally-driven “dutiful citizenship” (Bennett, 2008), political participation is no longer only defined by voting in elections, volunteering with civic associations and town hall meetings but increasingly manifests through participatory politics – peer-based acts like citizen journalism, podcasting, video production, art projects, tech-based activities, digital activism and lifestyle politics […]

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Rotational Doppler shift with optical vortices in the backward-wave phase-matching process, as probe for improved vibration sensing – Year two

The rotational Doppler shift in the nonlinear optical process will improve the precision and resolution of the detection of the dynamics of an object, particularly the resolution of its rotational motion. The project aims at the design, realization and study of rotational Doppler shift based on the nonlinear interaction specifically tailored for the backward-wave phase […]

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High Average Power – Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplifier (HAP-FOPA)

The goal of this proposal is to make the most advantage of the recently developed technique of Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplification (FOPA) by pushing this technology to unprecedented levels. The IP has been protected by the group of prof. François Légaré from INRS-EMT. The main inventor, Bruno Schmidt, has founded few-cycle Inc. to commercialize […]

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Investigating Existing and New Models of Distribution in Canadian Art Book Publishing

In early 2018, the UK-based publisher Black Dog declared bankruptcy. This headline wouldn’t have made a splash if not for numerous co-publishing partnerships held with Canadian art institutions. Black Dog’s liquidation left galleries and museums across the country with books stalled mid-production, resulting in delayed or cancelled exhibitions. Firstly, why were Canadian institutions partnering with […]

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Terahertz Distributed Sensing Platform Based on Waveguide Bragg Gratings

Distributed sensing is an advanced technology that enables real-time monitoring of variations along the entire length of a waveguide, and offers the possibility of sensing from a long distance. In the optics domain, distributed sensing based on optical fibers has been successfully demonstrated. However, the realization of distributed sensing in the terahertz domain is still […]

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The making of a woman feature filmmaker: Gender and cultural production in a Montreal-based film school

In Canada, women have made significant inroads in television, web series, documentaries, and experimental films. But few women directors and screenwriters participate in big-budget feature film production. This study explores the marginalization of women in the feature film industry through the lens of film production training. As previous studies have shown, film education can shape […]

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Research on the Social and Ecological Impacts of “The Thingery” Community Sharing Platform

The Thingery Sharing Inc. is the logistics provider and parent organization of five co-operatively owned community-level goods lending libraries known as Thingeries located throughout the Lower Mainland of BC. As a data-intensive enterprise, Thingery Sharing Inc. has the potential to track the social and ecological impacts of community level goods sharing. However, the existing literature […]

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Searching for Tasks: A Study on Online Searchability for Situated Action

The project is the start of a bigger vision to help improve ‘Employability in an ever-changing, global and digital economy.’ The Partner organization and SFU Communications lab has a larger vision for where we may take this innovation initiative over the long-term, however initial pursuits will start out to develop a better understanding through an […]

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