Semi-Automatic Video Motion Capture: Lifting 2D Estimates to 3D

Motion Capture (mocap) is a very powerful technology that allows one to digitize natural motion and use it in many areas. Currently, mocap is expensive and intrusive. The core of this project is to develop a pipeline for semi-automatic extraction of 3D motion data from ordinary video sequences. Besides being able to avoid many of […]

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Machine Translation for Social Gaming

This project with Koolhaus Games, an electronic game developer, aims to use state-of-the-art natural language processing technology as part of a novel and innovative social networking and social gaming engine. Social networking games are popular, particularly among children, and the team hopes to use natural language processing technology to provide a transparent, multi-lingual interface for […]

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A Rapid Prototyping System for Games

Before any game can begin development, an idea must be conceived and elaborated sufficiently that it can be given a “green light” by the publisher/developer. A running prototype is extremely helpful in obtaining that approval. Depending on the size of the publisher, however, there may be several rounds of pitches as the idea makes its […]

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European market analysis for SpeechBobble Inc.

The intern will undertake research with SpeechBobble, a start-up company that focuses on social computing data analysis. The goal of the internship is to perform an extensive analysis on social computing in Europe. This entails mapping out the current status of social computing by determining what factors impact adoption and usage of social computing and […]

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Increasing the Number of Targeted Unique Visitors on by Using Contextual Advertising and Search Engine Optimization

Fit Brains is an online platform providing fun and entertaining games that exercise the five key cognitive areas of the brain. Since inception, the platform has attracted about 20,000 unique visitors per month. Although the number of visitors is reasonable, Fit Brains’ goal is to expand the platform to several millions interested in exercising their […]

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Mathematical Investigation of a Balance Metric using Hypergraphs: Finding a Paper, Rock, Scissor-like relation between Game Scoring and Gaming Strategies

Fit Brains technology uses five classes in skill development that are loosely associated to certain regions of the brain. Together, these skill sets help define the human experience. It is also believed that increased fitness across these five classes can better a sense of wellness. Sometimes, incidental effects in game strategies have demonstrated that the […]

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Using wireless location technologies in mobile video games

This research is part of the GéoÉduc3D project, funded by the Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE) Network. It aims to propose educational interactive games based on geospatial technologies. The games would explore thematic questions of interest to youth and teenagers. The internship will focus on wireless location in interior spaces. More specifically, it will introduce […]

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Evaluation of Analytics requirements in Socio-Economic Benefits of e-Justice

The goal of this internship is to provide the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Attorney General’s Information Technology team with a set of recommendations identifying the key factors in support of a business case to be presented to the Minister in 2009. The business case will delineate key initiatives related to the design, development […]

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Process Visualization, Communication and Collaboration in Design Teams

Computer‐Aided Design (CAD) systems have matured into comprehensive environments that enable designers to efficiently represent and refine their designs. Parametric modeling, in which a design can be easily altered after it is made, is a major recent development in the building sector of the CAD industry. Bentley's Generative Components (GC) is one such system. It […]

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Data mining on social network applications for entertainment industries

The focus of this project is to investigate the possibility of applying data mining techniques to answer high level design questions specific to the development of high quality multi©player first person shooter games. The industrial partner, Threewave Software, works on game development of multiplayer first person shooters. The company has developed a technology that enables […]

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Security Awareness Planning and Development for Web 2.0 Toys

The rapid development of Web 2.0 for massive social network collaboration and gaming facilitates the rich presence services to expose information and knowledge gathered through online social network. A Web 2.0 toy refers to an autonomous unit of handheld console enhanced by rich presence services and social utilities in the context of Massively Multiplayer Online […]

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