Designing a kinect camera-based API to detect qualities of movement

Despite enormous advances in technology, digital interfaces continue to rely on text and image based communication, demonstrating a lack of support for full-body sensory engagement, and downplaying the body’s role in communication and experience. This dependence on visual modes of input and output relies heavily on an individual’s attention, presenting problems for people performing tasks […]

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Research and implementation of haptics device integration with a dynamics simulation engine and applications to milling and drilling force feedback (second stage)

Virtual environments represented by multibody system models play an important role in many applications. Adding the possibility of the user directly interacting with such environments via physical touch using haptics can significantly enhance the usability and range of application of simulated environments. In this project we particularly target two main objectives: (1) the multirate-simulation and […]

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Solution of complementarity problems arising from rigid body dynamics simulations

Modeling and simulation of realistic motion is one of the important topics in mechanical engineering and related areas. Such simulations become much more challenging when rigid body dynamics with frictional contacts appears. The total number of contact points is very important and is a key element to determine the difficulty level of the simulation, meaning […]

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Consumer access to personal health information for asthma self-management

The Centre for Global eHealth Innovation (UHN) is leading the development of a mobile web application for asthma self-management on behalf of Ontario Lung Association, in a project funded by Canada Health Infoway. The internship will involve the research and development of the user-interface of this novel application, which can be accessed by users via […]

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GPU-based fast fluids for video games

Animated fluid effects based on physical simulation have been a staple part of visual effects industry. They are characterized by offline simulation and rendering that produces high-fidelity dynamics and visuals. As the technology for computer games advances, the opportunity to create such effects in real-time as either a playback technique or dynamic simulation is becoming […]

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CanGo – An Empowering Wayfinding Tool for Persons with Disabilities

For many persons with disabilities, for example those living with cognitive or visual impairments, it is often impossible to drive a personal vehicle and to travel independently, whether to school, to therapy, to their work place or to visit their friends. Because of their challenges, they must rely on caregivers or family members for transport, […]

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Machine learning for user behaviour prediciton in mobile games

With the growth of the social networks and mobile gaming devices in recent years, the social gaming became an important part of the game industry. These social games provide huge amount of data about the users’ behaviors, an important issue for the gaming companies is to analyze this data and model the choices and behavior […]

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Cebas Fluid Solver

This project seeks to develop a fluid solver that is capable of simulating the interaction between low viscosity fluids and solid objects, such as pouring down water from a water pitcher onto the ground. Fluid effects such as splashing water are widely used in video game and film industry. As a visual effect solution provider, […]

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Hybridity media’s circles software design and interface research

Hybridity Media’s Circles, is a user-friendly software application. With motion senor technology and light projections, it causes the audience to become the art by painting a visual portrait on a screen using their dynamic body movements. Hybridity’s design of the Aga Khan Museum opening, using our signature interactive art installation techniques, is an opportunity to […]

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Hybridity Media’s Circles Software Development and Research

Hybridity Media’s Circles, is a user-friendly software application. With motion senor technology and light projections, it causes the audience to become the art by painting a visual portrait on a screen using their dynamic body movements. Hybridity’s design of the Aga Khan Museum opening, using our signature interactive art installation techniques, is an opportunity to […]

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UI/UX Design and implementation for PlaceSpeak

Organizations can benefit from consulting with citizens to build better and sustainable neighborhoods in local areas. It is usually challenging to get citizens engaged. Traditionally, techniques used for engagement involve people participating in public meetings personally. This can be intimidating and inconvenient for some. PlaceSpeak provides an online environment to advance citizen participation. It also […]

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